Friday, January 16, 2009

This one time, at band camp....

Okay. It’s nearly the weekend. You and your boys (and if you’re REALLY lucky, your girls) are going to hunker down at home, or at a bar and watch your favourite professional hockey team try to string together their third straight win, or skate skate skate towards that 1st overall pick possibility… Are they winning and everyone is happy??? Are they getting killed and you’re bored to tears??? In the case of my boy SLC over at , is there booze around??? Then let me enlighten you my fellow friends and drunks, with the greatest drinking game of all time. Now now LEAF fans, I’m not here to steal your thunder and let everyone in on the Bryan McCabe Turnover Game… that one belongs to you.

This game was created one booze filled evening at the Brig down in the market. Those of you knowing the exact place I am talking about will shake your heads and say “Oh Christ, I can see where this is going…” It’s very similar to Around The World. You know, where everyone shows off their knowledge of geography by rhyming off names of countries in alphabetical order. Yup, we’ve all tried to impress some beautiful woman (or some drunk chick) by coming up with Oman, or arguing that because Ossterreich is Austria in German that it should still count for ‘O’.

There are really three levels to this game.

(1) BEGINNER: You only use currently active NHL players. Yeah yeah, guys on two-ways who have played (or at least made one TSN NONOUR ROLL this year count. Bonus points can be given out however you see fit. We like to give bonuses for DOUBLE letter names like Andrew Alberts. Usually a time frame of 5 seconds should be sufficient, but I am not very lenient. You get to drink every time you fuck up, and after each alphabetical round, the round’s ‘loser’ drinks again.

(2) INTERMEDIATE: Current players AND former players count. Again, bonus points can be doled out for pretty much anything. Par example, last time, even though I missed ‘K’ and stumbled on ‘Z’ in the fourth round, I received a pass for getting Lou Franceschetti. That’s right – Lou Franceschetti.

(3) EXPERT: Former players ONLY. If you have to resort to HALL OF FAMERS like Gretzky, Richard, Orr, and so on, it should DEFINITELY be held against you and you should be ashamed of yourself. Again, bonuses for Bob Beers, or Zarley Zalapsky are encouraged. This particular evolution of the game was created on the drive home, and my driver and I played from the off-ramp to Kemptville, to the west side of Peterborough. Impressive. Just ask Scott Scissions.

I hope this little adventure gets you right shitty sometime in the near future.




  1. Thanks for the plug. to "smiting", I'm not sure why smithing would be worth five minutes. Everyone needs horse shoes.

  2. hey if you wanna do a link exchange, that's cool with me.
